EuroMold 2010

EuroMold was held December 1-4 in Frankfurt, Germany. Every EuroMold that I’ve attend has not only been worthwhile, it has been filled with planned and impromptu meetings and important discoveries. People from around the world use it to get together, rekindle and strengthen relationships, and conduct business. EuroMold also provides the opportunity to see and better understand the most interesting developments and trends from the recent past.

When I started attending EuroMold 14 years ago—and I haven’t missed one since—few Americans were present. Today, far more attend, but it’s still a low percentage of the overall total. Nearly 37% of the 56,372 people that attended the 2009 event were from outside Germany. Only 1.7% of this international total were American.

DEMAT, the organizers of EuroMold, has made a strong effort to make additive manufacturing (AM) an important part of the event for more than a decade. In fact, Hall 11—the newest and most impressive hall of three—was packed this year with exhibitors and visitors interested in buying and selling products and services associated with additive manufacturing. Nearly all of the major AM materials and system manufacturers, many service providers, and others were there to show their latest and most impressive offerings.

I have had the privilege of organizing and chairing an additive manufacturing conference at EuroMold for 12 years. This year’s event focused on the business impact of AM technology. We had an excellent line-up of invited speakers from Asia/Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and North America. The topics included business issues related to aerospace, medical/dental, custom product manufacturing, economic development, industry standards, and intellectual property. For the first time, we had an IP attorney on the program, who also happens to be a mechanical engineer.

If you can attend only one international exhibition per year, and additive manufacturing is your thing, EuroMold is the place to be. It brings it all together in one place like no other event. We received more favorable comments on this year’s AM conference than ever before, so I feel that we are on the right track. Add EuroMold 2011 to your calendar. It is November 30 – December 3, again in Frankfurt. I hope to see you there.

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