
Lauren Ednie, EngD

Lauren Ednie brings 7 years of experience in the mechanical performance of additive manufacturing (AM) across various AM technologies.

About Lauren Ednie, EngD
Additive Manufacturing Project Engineer

Dr. Lauren Ednie is an Additive Manufacturing Project Engineer at ASTM International. To her role, she brings 7 years of experience in the mechanical performance of additive manufacturing across a number of technologies including Powder Bed Fusion and Direct Energy Deposition methods.

In her last role at Frazer-Nash Consultancy, Lauren was part of the Materials Performance group and worked for a number of clients in industries including Civil Nuclear and Defence. As part of her role, she also led a team to develop an Advanced Manufacturing offering across various industries including Space and Fusion, taking a key role in client interfacing and proposal writing.

Lauren graduated from Swansea University in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering before she went on to complete a Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Doctorate in collaboration with GKN Aerospace. In which she focused her research on the effects of surface finish on the mechanical performance of aerospace alloys, with her results published in peer-reviewed journals.

Learn more about ASTM & AMCOE Global

ASTM unites with the Wohlers brand to build on its market influence and access to top AM industry decision-makers worldwide.

  • Establish standards, certification, and qualification for repeatable, consistent parts and processes
  • Prevent gaps and duplication of work in a dynamic, fast-paced technology space
  • Identify challenges that can be solved with technological improvement

Research and Development

Under the leadership of the R&D team, the AM CoE partners plan and conduct coordinated R&D projects, prioritized annually and targeted to expedite...

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Education and Workforce Development

Provide a comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances...

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