
Jan Sehrt, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Jan Sehrt is an experienced professional in Additive Manufacturing with focus on powder bed-based fusion processes (PBF-LB/M, PBF-EB/M, PBF-LB/P).

About Jan Sehrt, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Technical Fellow, Metal Additive Manufacturing

Jan Sehrt is the Technical Fellow, Metal Additive Manufacturing at Wohlers Associates, Powered by ASTM International. Alongside his role at Wohlers Associates, Jan is also a professor at the Ruhr University Bochum at his chair, Hybrid Additive Manufacturing since 2018. His deep experience with the additive manufacturing process chain (pre-, in- and post-Processing) has led to his research fields focusing on (hybrid) additive manufacturing and/or powder bed-based fusion processes (PBF-LB/M, PBF-EB/M, PBF-LB/P). Additionally, his research work also encompasses new exposure strategies, integration of sensors, actuators and electronics, material qualification, modification, manipulation and characterization, porous structures, process, and application related innovations (patents).

Prior to this, Jan was also head of the Rapid Technology Center (RTC) Duisburg for 12 years. He received his doctorate in PBF-LB/M at the chair Manufacturing Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen in 2010. His AM-related professional journey first began in 2003 with Indirect Metal Laser Sintering. Since then, Jan was infected with the AM virus and has remained with the topic to this day with great pleasure.

Since 2014, Jan’s work also involved advising and training industry about AM through his own engineering office. He also actively participates in standardization work as head of the Metal Working Group of the VDI Technical Committee “Additive Manufacturing” (FA105.2). Additionally, Jan is also a member of various advisory boards for journals and conferences.

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ASTM unites with the Wohlers brand to build on its market influence and access to top AM industry decision-makers worldwide.

  • Establish standards, certification, and qualification for repeatable, consistent parts and processes
  • Prevent gaps and duplication of work in a dynamic, fast-paced technology space
  • Identify challenges that can be solved with technological improvement

Research and Development

Under the leadership of the R&D team, the AM CoE partners plan and conduct coordinated R&D projects, prioritized annually and targeted to expedite...

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Provide a comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances...

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