
Amit Chatterjee

Amit Chatterjee is a professional with an extensive career in the aerospace industry.

About Amit Chatterjee, PhD
Technical Fellow, Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace

Amit Chatterjee is a materials expert and has over 35 years in the aerospace industry. After an initial stint with the USAF at Wright Patterson Air Force Base as a research scientist, he was with Rolls-Royce in both technical and management roles and led the development of advanced materials and process technologies for both defense and civil applications. His primary expertise is in the correlation of structure-property relationships in high temperature nickel and titanium alloys, intermetallics and composites. For the past 10 years, prior to his retirement in 2021, he was the global materials head for additive manufacturing and responsible for leading a multi-site team for the development of materials and process understanding of both laser, electron beam powder bed additive processes as well as other high rate deposition processes.

In the past, Chatterjee has been on the SAE-AMS Additive Manufacturing Committee and represented Rolls-Royce on qualification and certification with regulatory authorities. He is one of the major coauthors of the qualification and certification of AM components issued by the joint AIA/FAA team in 2020.

Learn more about ASTM and AM CoE

ASTM unites with the Wohlers brand to build on its market influence and access to top AM industry decision-makers worldwide.

  • Establish standards, certification, and qualification for repeatable, consistent parts and processes
  • Prevent gaps and duplication of work in a dynamic, fast-paced technology space
  • Identify challenges that can be solved with technological improvement

Research and Development

Under the leadership of the R&D team, the AM CoE partners plan and conduct coordinated R&D projects, prioritized annually and targeted to expedite...

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Education and Workforce Development

Provide a comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances...

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