
Articles and Other Publications

2020 – 2021














  • Build a Polar 3-D Printer from Legos, Instructables, December 29, 2007.
  • Trends 2008: Will 3D-Printing Finally Go Mainstream?,, December 17, 2007.
  • How 3-D Printing Figures Turns Web Worlds Real, Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2007.
  • 3-D Home Printers Could Change EconomyLiveScience, October 10, 2007.
  • US firm brings 3D printing to the deskop with low-priced kit,, September 21, 2007.
  • Rapid processes gaining ground, Modern Plastics Worldwide, August 1, 2007.
  • Rapid Manufacturing’s Role in the Factory of the Future, Design News, July 27, 2007.
  • What Engineers Should Know about Direct Digital Manufacturing, Design News, July 26, 2007.
  • Rapid Prototyping? Just Call it ‘3D Printing,’ Design News, July 16, 2007.
  • Mechatronics Fuels Revolution in 3D Printing, Design News, June 28, 2007.
  • Local inventor, entrepreneur played early role in developing 3D printing, The Greenville News, May 30, 2007.
  • Giant Machine Designed to Print Houses, Discovery News, April 3, 2007.
  • Free-Form Sculpting, Desktop Engineering, November 2006.
  • Your Next House May Come From A Printer, InformationWeek, December 1, 2006.
  • 3D Printers Reshape the World of CopyingWall Street Journal, August 3, 2006.
  • A plane you can print, NewScientistTech, July 21, 2006.
  • Printable RobotsOhmyNews, June 21, 2006.
  • Additive Fabrication Facilitates Successful Injection Mold Design and BuildMoldMaking Technology, March 2006.
  • Productive Nanosystems (From molecules to superproducts), 5-minute video, March 14, 2006.
  • Additive Fabrication TechnologyMoldMaking Technology, January 2006.


  • Downhill ride: Protomold picks up speed by knowing when to say ‘no’,, December 2005.
  • Organ Repair, ScienCentralNews, November 10, 2005.
  • Quick off the markEngineering, July/August 2005.
  • Rapid prototyping grows despite less government funding, Plastics News China eWeekly, July 13, 2005.
  • Why Western design firms have trouble in mainland China, Plastics News China eWeekly, July 5, 2005.
  • Make It Quick, Scientific American, July 2005.
  • If You Can Draw It, They Can Make It, BusinessWeek, May 23, 2005.
  • Fortune Cookie, Managing Automation, May 13, 2005.
  • Model medicine, The Salt Lake Tribune, April 24, 2005.
  • 3D printer to churn out copies of itself,, March 18, 2005.
  • Time for RP Standards, Desktop Engineering, March 2005
  • Mummy receives high-tech face-lift, Rocky Mountain News, March 9, 2005.
  • 3-D printers give picture of future for consumers, Chicago Tribune, February 12, 2005.
  • High-tech glue gun helps engineers make chips, New York Times News Service, September 23, 2004.
  • 3-D scan reconstructs face of a mummy, MSNBC News, September 1, 2004.
  • Facial Reconstruction of a Wrapped Egyptian Mummy Using MDCT, American Journal of Roentgenology, September 2004.
  • Using his Bobblehead, The Mercury News, August 27, 2004.
  • High tech implants to aid facial reconstruction to be developed at Loughborough University, Innovations Reports, August 27, 2004.
  • 3D Printers Lead Growth of Rapid PrototypingPlastics Technology, August 2004.
  • Walter Reed using 3-D technology to improve treatment, ARNEWS, March 24, 2004.
  • Business Beat: Perseverance pays off, Pioneer Press, March 21, 2004.
  • The Shape of Prints to Come, The Press Association, March 10, 2004.
  • The CAD Society: Designing a Better Future, Time-Compression Technologies, January 2004.
  • Molecular Nanotechnology Fully Loaded with Benefits and Risks, The Futurist, January 5, 2004.
  • Instant ManufacturingTechnology Review, November 2003.
  • Words of Wisdom: Rapid manufacturing on the horizon, Plastics Machinery & Auxiliaries, October 2003.
  • 3-D Printing’s Great Leap Forward, Wired News, August 11, 2003.
  • Prototype or product? Rapid manufacturing is closer to mainstream, Plastics Machinery & Auxiliaries, April 2003.
  • Golden firm may aid twins: Skull models could help in separation, published in the August 20, 2002, edition of the Denver Post.
  • Engineer selling her invention to firms and investors, Detroit Free Press, August 6, 2002.


  • Rapid Manufacturing, published in the November 2001 issue of Computer Graphics World.
  • Imaging Faster New design tools and software allow CEOs and customers to move products to market; published in the August 2001 issue of Darwin magazine.
  • Who Needs a Factory When You Have a Printer?, originally published in the June 2001 issue of eCFO magazine under the title Absolutely Fab.
  • Cyber Cloning 3-D computer images can be quickly turned into hands-on prototypes; published in May 31, 2001 issue of Minneapolis’ PioneerPlanet.
  • Computer technology helping speed products to market, published in the May 11, 2001 issue of The Cincinnati Enquirer.
  • The Solid Future of Rapid Prototyping, published in the March 24, 2001 U.S. edition of The Economist.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Pretty Soon, You Won’t Be Able To Get Along Without It, published by Plastics Technology in February 2001.
  • Rapid Tooling Is Ready For Prime Time, published by Plastics Technology in January 2001.
  • Methods of Rapid Tooling Worldwide, published in the October 2000 issue of MoldMaking Technology Magazine.
  • Scale Models from Thin Air Some day in the next millennium, architects may be able to put design information into a machine that will automatically construct a complete building; authored by B.J. Novitski and published in August 2000.
  • Rapid Prototyping: A Subtle Industrial Revolution, published in the April 2000 issue of Industrial Equipment News.
  • Foreword to Product Concept & Design Engineering—a supplement to Automotive Manufacturing International published in 1999 by Sterling Publications Limited (London, England).
  • Digital Architect: Rapid prototyping lets architects make scale models from computer files, authored by B.J. Novitski and published in December 1999.
  • Industry’s Amazing New Instant Prototypes, published in the January 12, 1998 edition of Fortune magazine.
  • Rapid Prototyping Systems, published in the November 1996 issue of Computer Graphics World.
  • RP Brings 3D Printing to the Design Office published in the August 1996 issue of Computer-Aided Engineering.
  • Pondering Windows and the Future of Unix published in the February 1996 issue of CGW.
  • The Challenge of 3D Digitizing published in the November 1995 issue of CGW.
  • TriSpectives Should Be a Hit published in the November 1995 issue of CGW.
  • AutoCAD and Rapid Prototyping published in the November 1995 issue of CADENCE.
  • Pro/JR Is No Small Fry published in the September 1995 issue of CGW.
  • 3D Digitizers for Engineering published in the March 1995 issue of CGW.
  • Surfcam Machines to the Max published in the March 1994 issue of Computer-Aided Engineering.
  • PC Graphics Gear Up published in the January 1994 issue of Computer-Aided Engineering.
  • Cashing in on Rapid Prototyping published in the September 1993 issue of Computer-Aided Engineering.
  • Chrysler Compares Rapid Prototyping Systems published in the October 1992 issue of Computer-Aided Engineering.
  • CAD Meets Rapid Prototyping published in the April 1992 issue of Computer-Aided Engineering.

Reports, Papers, and Other Publications

Publications by Wohlers

Summary of 436

  • Click for a list of 207 articles (1992-2021)
  • Click here for a list of 123 articles (1984-1991)
  • Click here for a list of 106 books, chapters, and technical papers (1984-2018)

“Wohlers” column in Time Compression

  • September/October 2011 The Discovery of 3D Printing by the Mainstream Press
    Good news to those in the additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing industry: The mainstream media has discovered the technology.
  • July/August 2011 The DIY Maker Movement 
    Additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing are supporting the maker movement, a collection of activities in the large and growing do-it-yourself (DIY) community.
  • May/June 2011 Will Additive Manufacturing Change Manufacturing? 
    AM could very well become the most diverse, flexible, and accessible manufacturing technology ever.
  • March/April 2011 Why You Won’t Have an AM Machine in Your Garage 
    For many years, additive manufacturing (AM) industry insiders have speculated on the role the general public will play in the adoption of AM.
  • November/December 2010 How Document Printers Are Like Additive Manufacturing Machines 
    The document printing industry has experienced a long and vibrant life.
  • September/October 2010 AM FAQs
    In June 2010, I spoke to about 600 engineering and manufacturing professionals in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, and Brisbane about additive manufacturing (AM) for part production.
  • July/August 2010 Additive Manufacturing 101: Part IV
    Additive manufacturing (AM) systems have been capable of building metal parts for more than a decade, but only recently have these systems begun to gain traction in the market place.
  • May/June 2010 Additive Manufacturing 101: Part III
    Additive manufacturing (AM) systems that build parts in photopolymer were among the first to emerge in the late 1980s.
  • March/April 2010 Additive Manufacturing 101: Part II
    Laser sintering (LS) is a process that has grown in popularity for making strong plastic parts.
  • January/February 2010 Additive Manufacturing 101: Part I
    The importance of additive manufacturing (AM) is certainly growing, and many people are being confronted with the tech that they may not have even a basic understanding about.
  • November/December 2009 3D Printing Goes Open-Source
    A relatively recent development is quietly taking place, and it could have an interesting impact on the additive manufacturing (AM) industry.
  • September/October 2009 RapidTech: Industry’s Best Kept Secret
    Have you heard of the National Center for Rapid Technologies, also known as RapidTech? The National Science Foundation funded the launch of the four-year program at Saddleback College (Mission Viejo, CA) in September 2007. Its purpose is to support industry and education at all levels, particularly in the adoption of rapid technologies, such as additive manufacturing (AM), to increase global competitiveness.
  • July/August 2009 A Low-volume Production Site: Coming to a Garage Near You
    Service providers, also known as “service bureaus,” have long been a staple in the additive manufacturing (AM) industry. They were among the early adopters and pioneers in the application of AM technology.
  • May/June 2009 What Do You Call It?
    “3D printing” is becoming a popular term, and some expect it to develop as the most accepted umbrella term in the future.
  • March/April 2009 Gaming + Additive Fabrication = Big Business
    The use of additive fabrication technology to produce video game characters and player avatars is growing at an almost unbelievable pace.

Wohlers “Viewpoint” column in Time-Compression Technologies

  • September/October 2008 10 Methods that will Impact the Next 10 Years
    Methods of additive fabrication will have a profound impact on the future of rapid product development and manufacturing.
  • May/June 2008 History of Additive Fabrication (Part 2)
    This two-part series provides a timeline that shows how additive fabrication technologies have developed from their inception in 1987 to 2007. The first part picks up where Part 1 ended.
  • March/April 2008 History of Additive Fabrication (Part 1)
    This two-part series provides a timeline that shows how additive fabrication technologies have developed from 1987 to 2007. The first part covers 1987 through 2002.
  • January/February 2008 International Business Etiquette (Part 2)
    More and more business is being conducted abroad, so it’s a good idea to know about the culture before you go so that you don’t commit a major faux pas. For this and the next issue, our Viewpoint column will touch on some of the major cultures around the world and what is accepted, expected and just plain frowned upon. What’s proper in one country may not be in the next. Avoid mistakes that can lead to a less than favorable impression and reduce the chances of success when traveling on business.
  • November/December 2007 International Business Etiquette (Part 1)<
    More and more business is being conducted abroad, so it’s a good idea to know about the culture before you go so that you don’t commit a major faux pas. For this and the next issue, our Viewpoint column will touch on some of the major cultures around the world and what is accepted, expected and just plain frowned upon. What’s proper in one country may not be in the next. Avoid mistakes that can lead to a less than favorable impression and reduce the chances of success when traveling on business.
  • November/December 2007 (Service Provider Supplement) The Outgrowth of Service Providers
    In the last several years, a number of new materials for additive systems have been developed that greatly increase the ability of parts to be used as functional prototypes. As a consequence, the demand for functional prototype parts is expected to increase and service providers will likely fulfill the bulk of this demand.
  • September/October 2007 How to Survive Extreme Global Business Trips (Part 2)
    Learn more tips from someone who survived a nine-day loop around the world to make your own business trips a little easier.
  • May/June 2007 How to Survive Extreme Global Business Trips (Part 1)
    Business trips around the world are starting to become more common. Learn how Terry Wohlers managed to survive one extreme business trip where he traveled from the U.S. to Europe, to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Tokyo, and then back to the U.S. again to complete a loop around the world in just nine days.
  • March/April 2007 Confused by Terminology?
    “Rapid prototyping” once served well as the term used to describe a class of technology and its applications, but times have changed.
  • January/February 2007 A Jaw-Dropping Display of Color Models
    The 3DP User Group organized the world’s most impressive collection of color models produced by 3D printing.
  • September/October 2006 The Industry’s Next Major Turning Point
    What is the next major crossroad, for better or worse, in additive fabrication?
  • May/June 2006 Where Additive Processes Fit in The Mass Customization Movement
    Additive technologies will play a significant role in the production of custom and personalized products in the future.
  • March/April 2006 Obstacles to Rapid Manufacturing
    Will material cost, processing issues and company culture stifle growth?
  • January/February 2006 A View from 10 Years Ago
    Terry Wohlers’ view from 10 years ago—Where the industry was headed and where it ended up.
  • November/December 2005 (Special Supplement) How to Find the Right Service Provider
  • November/December 2005 Are Under–$1,000 3D Printers in Our Future?
    As 3D printer hardware and materials evolve, and the demand for them increase, some unit prices will likely dip below $20,000 for the first time.
  • September/October 2005 Too Many Industry Events?
    Industry and academic conferences and expositions in the U.S., Europe, and other parts of the world focus on additive fabrication.
  • May/June 2005 Will Multicolor Flourish or Flounder
  • March/April 2005 Material Options: An Absence or Abundance?
    For some, it is easy to forget that material can make the difference between success and failure when prototyping.
  • January/February 2005 Rapid RP Growth in South Africa
    Recent international conference and exhibition underscores the country’s strong interest in the technology and its application.
  • November/December 2004 Will A/E/C Embrace RP?
    Opportunities abound, but questions remain.
  • August/September 2004 What the 3D Systems/EOS Settlement Means to the Industry
    The resolution of eight lawsuits paves the way for improved competition and a stronger industry.
  • April/May 2004 Rapid Short-Run Production Will Protect U.S. Manufacturing
    With its leadership in RP technology, the U.S. is poised to secure a precious share of manufacturing in the future.

Wohlers “3D Printing” column in Time-Compression Technologies

  • November/December 2005 Factors to Consider When Choosing a 3D Printer
    With shipments of 3D printers nearly doubling over the past year, interest in acquiring 3D printing technology has increased dramatically.
  • September/October 2005 3D Printing in Education
    How High Schools, Colleges and Universities Leverage 3D Printing Technology.
  • May/June 2005 Why Send a Model When You Can Fax a 3D Print?
    Terry Wohlers talks about the benefits of this new technology for your business.
  • March/April 2005 3D Printing Supports Collaboration with Suppliers Around the Globe
    Fast, affordable 3D prints facilitate interaction between product design and manufacturing.
  • January/February 2005 3D Printing Provides Benefits Throughout Product Development
    Communicate increased product knowledge from conceptual design through production.

“Perspectives” column in Time-Compression Technologies

  • October/November 2003 Will the Service Provider Survive?
    The key to RP success is a strategic plan for the future while acquiring the people, processes and skills necessary to support the plan.
  • March/April 2003 Has Anything Changed in Ten Years?
    The Rapid Prototyping Association (RPA) of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Since the inception of this organization, much has changed. And yet, many things remain the same.
  • January/February 2003 Is CNC Machining Really Better than RP?
    Knowledge of both technologies is important for the selection of the right tool for the job.
  • November/December 2002 A Year Filled With Promising R&D
    Despite a challenging year, the RP industry has continued its research and development of new products, processes, materials and applications.
  • September/October 2002 Surviving Tough Times
    From these challenging economic times, the RP industry will gain strong leaders, new applications and exciting solutions.
  • May/June 2002 Timing Isn’t Everything, But Almost
    Nothing in itself is truly good or bad. It is when you put it to work that matters in the end.
  • March/April 2002 The Real Cost of RP
    What to consider before bringing RP in-house.
  • February 2002 RP Applications: The Possibilities Are Endless
    New advances and trends yield surprises
  • November 2001 Can Technology Acquisition Be An Emotional Decision?
    To offer winning products, companies must make sweeping changes–both cultural and technical–to their product development practices.
  • October 2001 Obstacles to RP’s Growth
    Rapid prototyping is not immune to the wide ranging obstacles that limit the growth of new products and technology.
  • September 2001 Lessons from Guttenberg’s Legacy
    What has the RP industry taken from this German inventor and the processes that follow?
  • June 2001 3-D Printers for the Home: Are They in Our Future?
    Reviewing the cost of a 3-D printer will determine if it’s a justifiable expense and a desirable solution.
  • May 2001 What’s in a Name?
    Although the definition of rapid prototyping is varied and the application of the term diverse, it may continue to be the most commonly used definition.
  • April 2001 Rapid Production: Key Barriers to Growth
    The ways in which rapid production could change the future of manufacturing, coupled with its economic impact, are astounding, but there are barriers.
  • March 2001 Here Lies… Obituaries of RP Manufacturers
    Many rapid prototyping vendors have failed, and more will follow. Here’s why.
  • January/February 2001 Rapid Prototyping in 2006
    Incremental change. Is that all that can be expected of the rapid prototyping industry?

“Internet Editorial” from Rapid Prototyping Journal

  • October 2002, Vol. 8, No. 5, Internet Editorial: Xpress3D
  • June 2002, Vol. 8, No. 3, Internet Editorial: The Traveling Engineer
  • April 2002, Vol. 8, No. 2, Internet Editorial: Will Magazines Become Obsolete?
  • October 2001, Vol. 7, No. 5, Internet Editorial: Castle Island’s Web site
  • August 2001, Vol. 7, No. 4, Internet Editorial: Will Internet Companies Thrive in the Future?
  • June 2001, Vol. 7, No. 3, Internet Editorial: Is efunda an Industry Best Kept Secret?
  • April 2001, Vol. 7, No. 2, Internet Editorial: E-commerce: The Challenges of Creating a B2B Exchange
  • January 2001, Vol. 7, No. 1, Internet Editorial:
  • October 2000, Vol. 6, No. 4, Internet Editorial: Are You Puzzled Too?
  • July 2000, Vol. 7, No. 3, Internet Editorial: Quote Generation on the Web

“Wohlers Talk” column from Prototyping Technology International

Learn more about ASTM & AMCOE Global

ASTM unites with the Wohlers brand to build on its market influence and access to top AM industry decision-makers worldwide.

  • Establish standards, certification, and qualification for repeatable, consistent parts and processes
  • Prevent gaps and duplication of work in a dynamic, fast-paced technology space
  • Identify challenges that can be solved with technological improvement

Research and Development

Under the leadership of the R&D team, the AM CoE partners plan and conduct coordinated R&D projects, prioritized annually and targeted to expedite...

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Education and Workforce Development

Provide a comprehensive program that educates and trains the additive manufacturing workforce at all levels, while continually incorporating new advances...

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