Newest Member of Wohlers Associates

by Shane Collins

The first time I saw additive manufacturing (AM) was in late 1999 at 3D Systems in the Valencia, California. A stereolithography machine was near the end of a build cycle. I recall seeing parts rise out of a vat of liquid photopolymer. My first position in the AM industry was aerospace market segment manager at 3D Systems. I had previously been involved in high-tech scientific instruments.

My work in consensus standards started in 2009 while working at Arcam, later acquired by GE. I was told by several aerospace companies that for the adoption of electron beam melting, a material standard was needed. ASTM Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies was formed in 2009. As part of the committee, I registered the first work item (WK30522) for metal AM processes. The standard was published as F2924 in 2012.

I was appointed the chair of the F42.05 Subcommittee on Materials and Process in 2012. We developed many standards on materials and processes over the course of the next 10 years. In my spare time, I am currently the chair of the F42.07 Subcommittee on Applications in AM.

I was surprised but pleased to learn that ASTM acquired Wohlers Associates. It is giving me the opportunity to work with a talented team as a senior associate consultant. I plan to use my experience in polymer and metal AM to help companies prevent the mistakes others have made. I look forward to working with our new clients and talking additive manufacturing.

Wohlers Report 2024

Wohlers Report 2024

Technical, market, and strategic advice on Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing Rapid Product Development

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ASTM unites with the Wohlers brand to build on its market influence and access to top AM industry decision-makers worldwide.

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  • Prevent gaps and duplication of work in a dynamic, fast-paced technology space
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